March 29th - San Francisco
Pro-War Rally
"Thank God for Fox
News" Leo Lacayo, a writer for ChronWatch,
pronounced. The assembled crowd, of maybe 500, gave a wild cheer.
"And God Bless CNN" he continued, but the cheer was a
bit more subdued the second time around.
The rally had started
around noon and was in full swing by 1:00, though using the word
swing was a being a bit charitable as the music that had been playing
was a dreadful combination of 80's power ballads and patriotic post-911
knockoffs of the same.
It would have all been
quite humorous if not for the fact that the SFPD seemed too be palling
around with the crowd in a rather inappropriate way considering
they were in uniform.
The officers on hand,
when not wearing flags on their head, shooed of various riffraff
and antiwar protesters for exercising their free speech. I overheard
them telling several of the pro-peace people that they should go
to the counter-protest staging area (whatever that might mean.)
As one of the signs put it "Freedom isn't Free", though
I wasn't entirely sure what that meant.
At one point, while a
was taking pictures of a heated discussion between a pro-peace protester
and a pro-war rally attendee, someone approached me at spat out
"How is it that the media always finds the one violent thing
going on." It was a good question, really.
this point, someone else started to harangue me for something or
other, but I stopped paying attention. They seemed to think I was
with CNN (Apparently forgetting about the blessings given to the
24 news channel earlier.)
While most of the people
seemed vaguely reasonable in their support for the war, some of
the people were a bit nuts. My favorite was the Revelations spouting
Les Erekson who proclaimed " When Jesus comes back he is going
to kill the Satan worshiping baby-killing leftists." Oddly,
when he wasn't yelling, he seemed like a pretty nice guy, and would
hug people good-bye (even people on the left) after giving them
a rather large piece of his mind.
More disturbing was the
somewhat ill-considered signs that people were carrying about such
as the one to the right. I will let you judge this deeply compassionate
and Christian insight on your own.
There was only a small
number of visibly pro-peace people at the rally. They had either
prudently stayed away, had been escorted to the "staging area",
or had been shouted down by various gaggles of pro-war types who
would descend on anyone who audibly said anything antiwar. Some
pro-peace messages got through, nonetheless...
... still, a deeply distasteful
feeling pervaded the whole event.
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