Celebrations break out in San Francisco’s Castro district on the day the Supreme Court struck down DOMA and cleared the way for marriage equality in California.
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Bike Blur
A Maker Faire participant goes for a ride at the Maker Faire 2013, San Mateo County Events Center, CA.
Processed by Dfine 2, Sharpener Pro 3, and CS6.
Supermoon Over San Francisco
Every photographer has a photo that they aren’t sure they will ever top, and this is mine.
Contemplation Inclined
An unidentified person resting on a bench takes in the view of Lake Tahoe from Incline Beach, Incline Village, Nevada.
Processed by HDR Efex Pro 2, Dfine 2, Color Efex Pro 4, and CS6.
The Many Moods of the San Francisco Bay Bridge
Sadly I no longer work in the office where I took these photos over a span of two years. I had to get to work before sunrise every workday so there were many opportunities to take photos of the bridge around sunrise.
San Francisco LGBT Pride 2012
J20 – Occupy Wall Street West #OccupySF #OWS
Photos from the Occupy Wall Street West J20 actions and marches.
Flickr Photoset